by Cristina Grau partner blogger

What’s in a name? A name is more than just something by which we are called; in a sense, it is our reputation. Did you know there are a multitude of names for God? Each name unique and powerful; the list is endless.

Join us on this exciting adventure through Scripture, where we will learn some amazing verses, talk about how those verses should affect our lives, and discuss some practical ways to make these names “real.”

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (John 11:25).

bread twistSome might find it odd to be thinking of Easter at Christmas time, but isn’t that what this season is about? Jesus didn’t come to earth so we could have more presents, lots of candy canes, and sing carols. He came to earth to die, to redeem us, and provide a way into eternity with God.

Christmas is the perfect time to be thinking of Easter and all this season truly means. It is because this special baby was born we are able to rejoice. It is because He came and dwelt among us we are able to once again have a relationship with the Father.

While we wish to enjoy this season to its fullest, I didn’t want this fact to escape our attention. I wanted to make a point of bringing this home with our kids and explain the ‘reason for the season’. After doing our devotion, we headed into our kitchen and got busy. It was time for Resurrection Rolls.

Resurrection Rolls

Large marshmallows
Melted butter
Cinnamon & sugar mixture
Crescent rolls
Cookie sheets

There is nothing like warm, sweet pastry on a cold afternoon. We rolled our marshmallows in melted butter, then in our cinnamon mixture, wrapped them in crescent roll, and popped them into our oven set to 350 degrees for about eight minutes. When they came out, no marshmallow was to be seen.

The purpose of the Resurrection Rolls is to recreate the burial experience most likely to have occurred with Jesus’ body. He would have been anointed with oils and spices, wrapped in linen, and then placed in a tomb. Three days later (or eight minutes by our oven timer) Jesus’ body was no longer to be found; He had risen from the dead.

The kids had so much fun with our activities. It was a wonderful reminder of what this season is all about, the birth of our Savior. I leave you with this thought: “… Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth. Born to give them second birth. Hark! The herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King!’”

Print Resurrection Rolls recipe

Copyright 2013. Used by permission of the author. Originally appeared at, December 10, 2013.

Cristina Grau is a homeschooling mom of four. She began homeschooling in 2003 and is now serving as Yearbook Editor of her private school satellite program. She currently writes a blog, A Homeschool Mom.