by Rebecca Kocsis
I’m not an outdoor girl. I much prefer curling up with a good book and a cup of tea than traversing in the wild. Although I love nature walks, I don’t do cold, wet, and dirty very well. And I’m not a big fan of heights either. That’s why that time the kids and I went on a hike with our homeschool group in the desert ended up being such a challenge.
At the onset, I was excited. I can handle a hike. I love nature walks. We were being led by members of a Christian adventure ministry who taught biblical values along with their nature studies. What could be better?
Before too long, I realized we were no longer following a trail. Our walk turned into a climb. We were actually clambering up and down and around some very significant boulders. Truth to tell, I have never seen the allure of rock climbing and bouldering. Scraping knees and knuckles on hot dirty rocks is not my cup of tea. Pardon the pun. To say I was out of my comfort zone is an understatement.
Then the inevitable happened. We got to a place where I simply could not go on. The boulder in front of me was too big. I was too tired. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get a secure hand hold to hoist myself to the top. When I looked behind me and saw how high and far we had come, it was dizzying. There was no going back.
As I stood there catching my breath, one of our male guides said, “Turn around and put your foot here. Then just reach up to the top.” As I did, he began apologizing. “Mrs. Kocsis, please forgive me. I hope you aren’t terribly offended by this …” He then strategically placed one hand on either side of my rear end and gave me a big shove! In the blink of an eye I had reached the top with the rest of the group.
Needless to say, I was shocked. I hadn’t expected that. I was also a little embarrassed by the humble means of my arrival. However, when I surveyed the landscape in front of me, the view was worth it. Yes, I was dirty. I had a few scrapes and bruises. No doubt I would be sore in the morning. However, to witness the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation from that vantage point—and to be there with my children—made it all worthwhile. To think, if I had turned around when we left the trails and started climbing, I would have missed it! How tragic.
I am thinking of every parent who is now venturing outside of their comfort zone as the new school year begins. Maybe this is your first year homeschooling and you, like so many homeschooling parents before you, are very comfortable with traditional education. And you are afraid you are going to “mess something up.” Perhaps you are teaching high school for the first time this year. You breezed through the early years, but now high school seems like a whole new ball game. “What if I miss something important?” “Can I make a legitimate transcript?”
Regardless of what’s taking you out of your comfort zone, don’t turn back. Keep moving forward. All of your efforts giving your children a Christ-centered education at home will be worth it. You will have some tiring days. You may end up with a scrape or a bruise along the way. Life is like that. However, you will not be sorry you invested your heart and soul into discipling your children. I have never met any serious homeschooler who regretted the time they spent with their children. The fruit that results in your relationship with them and their relationship with their Savior is priceless.
And you can trust your Guide. Admittedly, mine was a little, shall we say, unconventional? But he knew what needed to happen to get me to the goal. If he had told me what he was going to do, I would have been reluctant, to say the least.
Your Guide knows exactly what needs to happen for you and your family to make it to the top—to a fruitful life bringing glory to Him. If He’s taking you on a homeschool adventure, step out in faith and follow Him. He won’t lead you halfway and then abandon you and your children when you need help. You can trust Him. So take a deep breath. Don’t look back. Reach up for what the Lord has for you, no matter how scary. The view will be worth it.
“The one who trusts in Him will never be disgraced.” Romans 10:11 (NLT)
Thank you, Rebecca! Great analogy, and the view from the top is definitely incredible!