Preparing Our Teens to Launch
by Keary DeVico Tis the season of college admissions and graduations! As a career and college counselor this is my favorite season of the year. Homeschoolers launching into their futures, ready to change the world, and serve the Lord makes my heart happy. I absolutely...
5 Free (Or Cheap) Family Outdoors Activities
Get Outside for Family Time this Spring! by Megan Mora Fuentes, HEAV This time of year is one of the most exciting–when we get a taste of nice weather and the landscape starts blooming. Take advantage of these early spring days before the lazy summer heat sets in and...
When Kids Whine
by Ginger Hubbard [Editor’s Note: We are excited to have Ginger Hubbard joining us as a keynote speaker at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference, July 13-15 in Downey. In addition to her workshops, she will be hosting our Moms Night Out on Friday! This article...
Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing
by Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing [Editor's Note: We are excited to have Andrew Pudewa, founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, joining us on Thursday, July 13 at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference. He will be...
Have Faith
by Steve Murphy As the parent of grown, successful, homeschooled children and a leader of a private school satellite program and board member of CHEA, I know a little about the challenges involved in day-to-day homeschooling; mostly exhaustion and...
Does Homeschooling Improve Social Competencies among Children?
by Dr. Brian Ray, NHERI Context In nearly every court case in which I serve as an expert witness, an attorney or a judge asks me, "But, Dr. Ray, can you tell us why some people are concerned about the social development of homeschool children?" Despite the facts that...
Math for the Right-Brained: Creative Approaches to Math Lessons
by Megan Mora Fuentes, HEAV If you’ve homeschooled for any amount of time, it’s almost certain that you’ve heard–or thought!–this: “I’m just not a math person; I don’t get it!” It can be tricky to teach a subject that you don’t particularly enjoy or that you struggle...
Martha, Martha
by Evangelia Novarro "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you're worried and upset about many things." (Luke 10:41, NIV) Every time I come across this Bible passage, I pause and feel God's sweet conviction. He asks me, "What are you fussing and pouting about this...
Dear Wife Who Feels Disconnected
by Tauna Meyer My husband walks in the door and we exchange a quick smile. He drops off his things and heads into the kitchen to grab his dinner (he works fairly late in the evening most days) while I continue working on my computer. He sits down on the other couch...
Homeschooling Without Stress: Is It Possible?
by Danielle Poorman When I first embarked on the journey of homeschooling, I eagerly anticipated the same cozy environment that many other new homeschooling moms likely envision. My days would consist of quiet read-alouds, tea-time, giggles, and fun-filled lessons...