February is Halfway!

by Connie Burroughs Celebrating the New Year has left some of you with a sense of excitement … a fresh new start! On the other hand, some of you feel overwhelmed trying to get back in the swing of things after the busy Christmas season. The inspiring book, One...
And They’re Off!

And They’re Off!

by Rebecca Kocsis I liken the beginning of a new school year to the start of a horse race. After months of planning, organizing, and meeting with new homeschoolers, August (or September) arrives and off we go--executing our many well-laid plans. I often told families...

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Back to School: Ten Homeschooling Concerns

Back to School: Ten Homeschooling Concerns

by Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse  When you think of "back to school" what comes to mind? The smell of new books, new crayons, or new fear? Perhaps you are re-evaluating your homeschool decision because...

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Homeschool Success: Just Show Up

Homeschool Success: Just Show Up

by Rebecca Kocsis How do you define homeschool success? Probably the most obvious and easiest way would be to go back to your main reasons for homeschooling. Are you on your way to accomplishing them? Have you accomplished them? If so, then you might define that as...

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Homeschooling 101: Lesson Planning

Homeschooling 101: Lesson Planning

by Katie Julius You’ve picked out all of your curriculum and you’re excited to get started. But as you thumb through the pages of the clean, crisp pages, a sense of uncertainty overwhelms you. “I love this curriculum, but how do I know what to do each day?” Some...

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More Homeschool Myths: Busted

More Homeschool Myths: Busted

by Katie Julius Earlier this year, we brought you an article about some of the most common myths about home education in California. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions that parents and society have about homeschooling. Here we address some more of...

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First Freedom

First Freedom

by John McGowan, Esq., CHEA Board of Directors “Spiritual freedom is the root of political liberty … As the union between spiritual freedom and political liberty seems nearly inseparable, it is our duty to defend both.”Thomas Paine If you hang out at enough CHEA...

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Starting a Homeschool Group

Starting a Homeschool Group

by Rebecca Kocsis & Katie Julius A homeschool community can make all the difference for both you and your children. It can provide support, encouragement, resources, friends, and educational opportunities. Finding a homeschool group that fits your family’s needs...

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Praying Not to Mess Up

Praying Not to Mess Up

by Kathryn C. Lang  Many prayers have passed through my lips while homeschooling. Many prayers continue to pass through now as the older boys go on to pursue higher degrees of education and the youngest contemplates his next move.  "Please, God. Don’t let me mess...

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In the Pursuit of Perfection

In the Pursuit of Perfection

by Rebecca Kocsis  Published in OTCS News January 2009. Used by permission from the author. I have found that as I fill out my children's report cards, I am usually tempted to assign myself a grade as the teacher. I have a pre-planned formula using my children's...

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Why It’s All Worth It

Why It’s All Worth It

by Rachel Zwayne It’s been a long day. The children are finally in bed. You reflect on the chaos of the day, which was not much different than the norm—an early morning with your toddler waking up screaming for no apparent reason, bickering siblings, a teenager with a...

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