February is Halfway!

by Connie Burroughs Celebrating the New Year has left some of you with a sense of excitement … a fresh new start! On the other hand, some of you feel overwhelmed trying to get back in the swing of things after the busy Christmas season. The inspiring book, One...

What am I Doing?

by Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine What am I doing? Will I ruin them? What is the goal? Can I keep it up? Every homeschool parent has asked at least one of these questions at one time or another. As we begin this new school year, these...

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How I Homeschooled College

by Kimberly Snyder I was homeschooled since the beginning—since the days of Hooked on Phonics cassette tapes and going to physical curriculum fairs to purchase schoolbooks. Like many homeschoolers, my education was molded around the idea that just because everyone...

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When You Are Overwhelmed

by Sharon Hensley As we approach a new school year it's easy to get overwhelmed by getting back into a schedule. Here are five things to do when you feel overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do each day. 1. Make shorter lists. When I first heard this I...

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The PSA Kerfuffle: Making Up the Rules as We Go Along

by Rebecca Kocsis We are experiencing unprecedented times. California parents are faced with some tough decisions due to COVID-19 precautions. Do they keep their children in their public school and follow distance learning? Or do they take them out and homeschool them...

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Going Fun Places to Learn

by Susan Peterson “This subject is sooo boring.” “School is not fun.” “I don’t get anything out of just reading about it.” These and numerous other comments like them are what we homeschoolers hear so often, but we can do something wonderful to turn around such...

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Local Theater Productions

“All the world’s a stage.” A cultural and educational field trip available in many cities year-round is a visit to your local theater production company or community college theater.  It’s best to choose “family friendly” productions, but get on mailing lists for...

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Re-Discovering Your Hometown

by Karen Koch I chuckled while watching Pixar’s Wall-E with my kids the other day when the captain and other characters said incredulously, “I didn’t know we had a pool” and “We have a jogging track?” Apparently they had lived on the spaceship Axiom so long they had...

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The PSA Dilemma

by Rebecca Kocsis We are experiencing unprecedented times. California parents are faced with some tough decisions due to COVID-19 precautions. Do they keep their children in their public school and follow distance learning? Or do they take them out and homeschool them...

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