February is Halfway!

by Connie Burroughs Celebrating the New Year has left some of you with a sense of excitement … a fresh new start! On the other hand, some of you feel overwhelmed trying to get back in the swing of things after the busy Christmas season. The inspiring book, One...
Making Math the Favorite Subject By Bethany Bennett

Making Math the Favorite Subject By Bethany Bennett

Finishing up with one customer, another asked me where CalcuLadder was. I pointed to a shelf above eye level and wondered why anyone would use it. It seemed a lot of money to pay for math drill pages, yet several parents had asked about it. Besides working at Shekinah...

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Stepping into the Classroom of Creation by Roxanne Weber

Stepping into the Classroom of Creation by Roxanne Weber

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2 NIV). Why is it that the majesty of creation can bring the hardest human heart to a point of...

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Discipleship 101 By Mary Schofield

Discipleship 101 By Mary Schofield

The first step to starting high school is to consider high school graduation. That’s right, you have to plan the graduation before you even start ninth grade. If your student is enrolled in a private school satellite program (PSP) administered by a private school,...

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Most Likely to Make a Million by Karen D. Koch

Most Likely to Make a Million by Karen D. Koch

Homeschooling through high school is looming large before me. How did it get here so fast? Just the other day Mitchell was wearing diapers, drawing rockets with crayons, and sleeping with a stuffed Winnie the Pooh. Today he is taller than me, a capable 14-year-old and...

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Ace the SAT Monster by Jean Burk

Ace the SAT Monster by Jean Burk

Yes, that’s the dreaded standardized test that most students bomb—even really smart ones. Colleges not only use it for entrance exams but also scholarships—the higher the score, the bigger the scholarship money. It is even looked at more than a student’s GPA since...

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Teaching Your High Schooler to Write by Denise Boiko

Teaching Your High Schooler to Write by Denise Boiko

Classic writer's block is that crippling paralysis that strikes when we're expected to come up with eloquent, edifying words—typically, under a time limit. But a different kind of writer's block can strike homeschoolers seeking to meet the demands of high school level...

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God’s Homeschooling Tapestry: A Memoir By Susan Beatty

God’s Homeschooling Tapestry: A Memoir By Susan Beatty

This article was first printed in the Summer 2007 issue of The California Parent Educator magazine on the occasion of CHEA's 25th anniversary.I didn't see it coming.One is seldom privy to a prophetic glance into the future, and that's probably wise.This was as...

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