Fledgling Fun by Beverly Imano
Part 1 Where did the time go? When I look at the young families in our group, especially those of you with pre-K to early elementary, I become starry-eyed and remember how much fun we had at that age. Of course, I seem to have blocked the more difficult part of...
Helping Children Love to Learn by Dawn Hudson
Most of us grew up in a traditional school atmosphere: desks in rows with assigned seating, a stack of textbooks stored neatly (or not so neatly) inside each desk. At math time, reading time, or history time, we were expected to find the appropriate textbook and...
A View from the Other Side By Dianne Padget
After homeschooling for 19 years, all my children had graduated and moved on with their lives. I prayed, and asked the Lord to show me what I could do with the rest of my life. Sitting around eating bon bons and watching TV sounded appealing, but not realistic. One...
Mission Accomplished, but Game Not Over By Julie Walker
My husband and I, even when we were dating, spoke of homeschooling our children. Now, over 25 years and three sons later, our youngest is a freshman in college. Game over. We did it; all three boys were homeschooled from kindergarten through high school. With our...
Of Seasons, Gardens and Rocks By Eileen Shaffer
Hooray for spring! The roses are finally budding with the coming of warmer weather. "Purple wallflower bushes" cheerful pansies and bright impatiens form a kaleidoscope of color against the backdrop of kelly green, rain drenched hills. What a feast for the eyes! I'm...
Encouraging Homemaking through Stories by Angela Mills
A few days ago, I told my seven year old that we would be skipping school to do a day of chores. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “I can help you like Laura and Ma!” She then proceeded to don her fanciest dress-up dress and a gingham apron. Yes, we’ve been reading Little House...
Homeschooling and the Sandwich Generation by Mindy Chenault
As I sat waiting in the hospital with my sister and my dad, I knew that our family's Christmas break plans were never going to materialize. My mom had suffered a stroke sometime around Christmas. Waiting for the neurologist to read results of her MRI, we speculated...
Boys and Girls Are Different By Hal and Melanie Young
When we were visiting colleges with our eldest son, a friend recommended a small liberal arts school nearby. They have a historic campus, top-flight academics, and just incidentally, an all-male student body. John was invited to sit in on a freshman economics class,...
Praying Through the Homeschool Years By JulieBeth Lamb
Originallly published in the Oakdale Homeschool Support Group Newsletter, May 2003 Prayer is about the most important part of the Christian homeschooler's life. It is what keeps us focusing on God and able to hear His plan for our schools and our children. It should...
Is My Child Over-Socialized By Mavis Irwin
Anybody who has ever told someone that they homeschool their children knows that the inevitable question to be asked is: "What about socialization?" You know with that look of horror in their eyes that says only a moron takes their children out of such a utopian...