3 Unique Opportunities to Teach Government/Civics This Month

by Dena Bless One of the joys of homeschooling is the flexibility that allows you to take advantage of unique opportunities when they come along. This month you have three special events that allow you to teach civics/government lessons with your children of all ages....

The Only Way This Is Going to Work

“I’d come to the CHEA Convention if it didn’t cost so much.” Well, we heard that, from many of you. OK, simple equation. Lower ticket price equals greater attendance, right? We’ve substantially lowered the 2016 convention prices so that it’s easier for families to...

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Feeding Your Body & Soul

by Edward Caballero, Teen Convention speaker As a husband, father, and pastor, I have many responsibilities but a limited amount of time. There is only so much I am able to do with my day and week (I am sure most homeschool parents are in the same situation). Because...

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Recalculating By Karen D. Koch I saw a meme on Facebook recently that shared this profound thought: “If parenting were a GPS, it would mostly just say, ‘recalculating.’ ” I think I need to put that as a sign above my computer. I think parenting, and homeschooling, by...

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Can You Homeschool Against All Odds?

by Pam Geib Speaker at CHEA's 33rd Annual Convention Originally published in 1990 Have you ever wondered if you are the only homeschooling family who has problems that seem catastrophic and insurmountable? Have you wondered why no one else ever mentions that they too...

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Summer Stealth Schooling

by Karen D. Koch When asked recently if we do year-round school, I answered, “It depends on what you mean by ‘year-round,’ or by ‘school’ for that matter.” By the time summer rolls around, I’m pretty desperate to catch up on my to-do list, and the kids need a break,...

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Dear Moms, From a Homeschooled Teen

By Madeline Koch I’m 13 years old and I have been homeschooled my whole life. So there are a few things I wanted to hit on in this blog post. The majority of people reading this are homeschooling moms, so this is to all you moms out there, including my own. First of...

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Common Core: Clones, Drones, and Lots of Moans

by Davis Carman 33rd Annual Convention Keynote Speaker I’ve read my share of articles on the Common Core. I’ve watched the cute promotional videos explaining how important it is that we all work together to help each child climb the ladder to educational success....

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Homeschool Mommy Wars?

by Karen D. Koch We’ve all heard of the Mommy Wars. Working mom vs. home mom. Cloth diapers vs. disposable. Nursing vs. formula. Vaccination vs. non-vaccination (or somewhere inbetween?) Car seats minimum time or carseats until age 12? Daycare vs. mom at home? Strict...

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When the Going Gets Tough

By Rachael Carman, Keynote Speaker, 33rd Annual Convention Some days are bad. Some weeks are bad. Some months. Some years. Life is hard. Sometimes it’s just one thing, while other times trouble seems to come at you from all directions. Sometimes everyone knows, and...

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