Advocacy, Homeschool, Legislation
by Nathan Pierce I. Introduction: The Hidden Threat to Homeschooling Freedom Homeschooling freedom is like a pristine mountain lake, thriving under the care of its stewards. The water is clear and full of possibility, but there are hidden threats—pipelines installed...
Advocacy, Homeschool, Prayer
Will you join homeschool families from all across the nation in a day of prayer on Friday, November 3? A Heritage of Prayer in our Nation Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as we follow in our founding fathers’ footsteps and seek the wisdom of God when...
Advocacy, Leaders, Legislation, Support Groups
by Nathan Pierce, Family Protection Ministries The CHEA Support Network has been one of the most critical pieces unifying the California Homeschool community during legislative battles since the early 80’s. It is absolutely vital that homeschool leaders throughout the...