Out of Steam

by Rebecca Kocsis It’s right there on your calendar, circled in red. The last day of school. It’s coming quickly, and yet seems so far away at the same time. And you are tired. Rather than pushing forward, full steam ahead, you’d much rather pack it in and call it a...

But If Not

by John McGowan When I was 36 years old, I was diagnosed with advanced stage colon cancer. It came at a time when my personal and professional life was full, thriving even. I was busy running a small law firm with a growing practice. My wife and I were heavily...

Homeschool Hindsight

by Carrie De Francisco Last spring I was sitting in one of my favorite homeschooling spots. I was outside under our Crepe Myrtle tree sipping an iced mocha latte while looking over my son’s senior portraits. I was overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions. I remember...

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Get Quiet Time with God

by Tauna Meyer One of the biggest struggles of a busy mom is making a habit of morning quiet time with God. We know we need quiet time with the Lord desperately if we’re going to survive our day, let alone thrive in it. We know we cannot serve our families and be...