Lead Learner

Lead Learner

by Katie Julius As homeschool parents, sometimes the idea that you are responsible for the education of your children can be overwhelming or even paralyzing. This is particularly true of inquiring or new home educators. We discussed why you are the best teacher for...
The Start of Something Big

The Start of Something Big

by Rebecca Kocsis Ready or Not? You may have been planning your school year for months. Your curriculum is unpacked and your lesson plans are printed. The school supplies are neatly arranged. You’re ready. The kids are bored with the relatively unstructured days of...
Your Home is Different

Your Home is Different

by Gena Suarez, The Old Schoolhouse I heard you’re struggling. Not because of anything you are doing per se, but because of the “nonsense talk” you’ve been hearing from friends or family. That your kids really should be in public school so they can have...