by Rebecca Kocsis How do you define homeschool success? Probably the most obvious and easiest way would be to go back to your main reasons for homeschooling. Are you on your way to accomplishing them? Have you accomplished them? If so, then you might define that as...
by Kathryn C. Lang Many prayers have passed through my lips while homeschooling. Many prayers continue to pass through now as the older boys go on to pursue higher degrees of education and the youngest contemplates his next move. “Please, God. Don’t let...
by Rebecca Kocsis Published in OTCS News January 2009. Used by permission from the author. I have found that as I fill out my children’s report cards, I am usually tempted to assign myself a grade as the teacher. I have a pre-planned formula using my...
by Rachel Zwayne It’s been a long day. The children are finally in bed. You reflect on the chaos of the day, which was not much different than the norm—an early morning with your toddler waking up screaming for no apparent reason, bickering siblings, a teenager with a...
by Michelle Howard I didn’t usually inhabit that part of town: the charming, historic shopping district. It was way out of my price range back then (and still is now, come to think of it!). I was already feeling inadequate, visibly so, when I parked along the...