Have Faith

by Steve Murphy As the parent of grown, successful, homeschooled children and a leader of a private school satellite program and board member of CHEA, I know a little about the challenges involved in day-to-day homeschooling; mostly exhaustion and...

Dear Wife Who Feels Disconnected

by Tauna Meyer My husband walks in the door and we exchange a quick smile. He drops off his things and heads into the kitchen to grab his dinner (he works fairly late in the evening most days) while I continue working on my computer. He sits down on the other couch...

Homeschooling Without Stress: Is It Possible?

by Danielle Poorman  When I first embarked on the journey of homeschooling, I eagerly anticipated the same cozy environment that many other new homeschooling moms likely envision. My days would consist of quiet read-alouds, tea-time, giggles, and fun-filled lessons...

A Mission Statement for Difficult Days

by Alyssa Hemmer, The Old Schoolhouse Many families, like mine, have chosen homeschooling for the long haul. Homeschooling affects many aspects of life. It is a worthwhile endeavor, as well as a huge undertaking, with unique sacrifices each family will...

My View of January

by Marie Stout “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” What advantage does man have in all his work which he does under the sun? A generation goes and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. … All the rivers flow into...

Be Prepared!

by Roy Hanson Roy Hanson, FPM’s Founder, wrote this article in 1998, but the reasons for being prepared as a private home educator have not changed. We hope you are equipped and encouraged by this timeless article! As the home education movement has grown, so have the...