Summer Fun & Learning

by Karen D. Koch One summer when I was growing up, I set a goal of reading 100 books before school began again in the fall. I’m kind of strange like that. But I did it, and I still have the list I made. My choices included a lot of Nancy Drew mysteries and other...

Trying to be Super Mama!

By Penny Ross,  I’m the classic overachiever–always aiming toward bigger, better and higher goals–never satisfied with enough, but always pushing further and harder toward excellence. This temperament helped me succeed throughout college and begin a career in mortgage...

Counting Jelly Beans

by Karen D. Koch For seven years we lived just down the road from the Jelly Belly Factory in Northern California. That factory tour became our family’s regular destination when we had out-of-town company. You could say we have a fondness for jelly beans, so when...

Putting Wind in His Sails

By Rachel Zwayne I have now graduated two of my five, wonderful, homeschool students, and with each year that passes, my heart is filled with more and more gratitude for the privilege of educating my children at home. But as every homeschool mother knows, amidst all...