Classes, Curriculum, Encouragement, Family, Reading
By Carolyn Forte, Excellence In Education, 34th Annual Convention speaker The top priority of most beginning homeschooling parents of 5 or 6 year-olds is reading. They look online at a dizzying array of reading programs and start asking for advice from friends and...
Curriculum, Encouragement, Family, Geography, Reading
by Karen Koch Readers are learners. A large portion of our homeschool day involves reading aloud. We have Bible, history, art, math, science, music, and more, but really enjoy our read-alouds as a family, both morning and evening. Not only does the shared reading...
Decisions, Family, Homeschool, Mothers, Planning, Record Keeping, Uncategorized
by Karen D. Koch I’m never as organized as I’d like to be, but in more than 12 years of homeschooling, I’ve figured out a few things that work for us. My children range in age from 5 to 17, so in our homeschool and probably yours as well, our weeks...
Convention, Curriculum, Exhibit Hall, Family, Homeschool
Drum roll, please. Online CHEA Convention Registration for all will be open Monday, March 20. CHEA Members will receive the amazing Early-Bird Registration price of just $45 for the entire family by registering March 20, 21 or 22! For those of you not yet CHEA...
Curriculum, Decisions, Encouragement, Family, World View
by Sam Sorbo, Keynote Speaker, 34th Annual CHEA Convention On a plane recently, an elderly gentleman named John and I engaged in a conversation on home education. As it turns out, his wife teaches in a Waldorf-type school that, according to him, encourages the child...