Graduation, High School, Homeschool, Special Learners
Meet Jake Jake Barrett began his homeschool journey in fourth grade after being bullied in his local public school because of his disabilities. Son of CHEA members Joel and Roxanne Barrett, Jake has been a part of Victor Valley Desert Christian Academy, a CHEA Support...
Convention, Exhibit Hall, Family, Homeschool
by Tatiana, The Musings of Mum website, The summer before we started homeschooling, a church friend urged me to attend a homeschool convention. “Once you see the faces of the homeschool community, you will be convinced it’s the right decision,” she said. Though part...
Classes, Curriculum, High School, Homeschool
by Carolyn Forte, Convention Speaker 2018 Homeschooling through high school can be intimidating for parents. Many, if not most, rely on standardized textbooks and supplemental classes, whether online or in person. If these work well for your student, there is nothing...
Convention, Curriculum, Encouragement, Family, Homeschool
by Katie Julius I remember my first experience on a homeschool convention vendor floor. My daughter was two-and-a-half and my husband and I were attending the “Intro to Homeschooling” free workshops the first evening of the convention, which included a pass to...
Encouragement, Family, Homeschool, Legislation, Social Studies
by Dianne Padget Every once in awhile, the Lord gives you an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than you imagined, and you get to see Him work in amazing ways. Wednesday, April 25, 2018, representing CHEA of California, I traveled to Sacramento with two PSP...