Classes, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, High School, Homeschool, Mothers, Planning, World View
By Liz Mallett As a parent, my goal is to raise loving, humble, and functional children. I plan exciting field trips for them. I research the best, most engaging curriculum that I think my boys will enjoy. I spend more time planning their social calendar than I do my...
Encouragement, Homeschool
Scarlett Francis Smorynski, daughter of CHEA Members Ronald Smorynski and Philomena Harrington, won the Rachael Ray’s Kids Cook-Off on the Food Network, in the summer of 2015. Scarlett is now entering 7th grade. “Scarlett began homeschooling three years ago, in...
College, Decisions, Encouragement, Homeschool, Mothers, Teens
by Elizabeth Armitage, homeschool graduate There exists in this world a rather hilarious TV show titled The Middle. It features a realistically average family of five, the Hecks. Their lives are messy, their relationships are roller coasters, and their house is...
Classes, Family, Homeschool, Household Management, Planning
by Karen D. Koch Before you read this, get yourself a cup of tea and take a deep breath. For many of us, the school year is quickly approaching and, if you are like me, you’re wondering, once again, what you have gotten yourself into with this homeschooling thing. I...
Curriculum, Family, Homeschool
by Karen D. Koch Your local library has more than meets the eye. (Our local library even had a fun Star Wars-themed day a few years ago–see photo) Homeschoolers tend to use the public library more than any other segment of the population, but there’s always more...