Encouragement, Family, Homeschool, Mothers, Teens, Uncategorized, Writing
By Madeline Koch I’m 13 years old and I have been homeschooled my whole life. So there are a few things I wanted to hit on in this blog post. The majority of people reading this are homeschooling moms, so this is to all you moms out there, including my own. First of...
Convention, Curriculum, Decisions, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, Homeschool, World View
by Davis Carman 33rd Annual Convention Keynote Speaker I’ve read my share of articles on the Common Core. I’ve watched the cute promotional videos explaining how important it is that we all work together to help each child climb the ladder to educational success....
Decisions, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, Homeschool, Mothers
By Rachael Carman, Keynote Speaker, 33rd Annual Convention Some days are bad. Some weeks are bad. Some months. Some years. Life is hard. Sometimes it’s just one thing, while other times trouble seems to come at you from all directions. Sometimes everyone knows, and...
Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, Homeschool, Mothers, Socialization, Support Groups, Uncategorized, World View
by Karen D. Koch Choosing to homeschool at times can feel as if we’ve placed a target on our forehead and asked people to take shots at us. But we don’t need to cower or always be in defense mode. Our Decision We chose homeschooling a long time ago for...
Curriculum, Homeschool, Planning, Uncategorized
by Karen D. Koch Music matters. I majored in journalism in college but accidentally minored in music because I took so many electives in the music department. So years later as a homeschool mom, I wanted to incorporate music into our curriculum. However, music lessons...
Convention, Decisions, Encouragement, God's Plan, Homeschool, Mothers, Planning, Support Groups
by Karen D. Koch We all need mentors in many areas of our life, and homeschooling is no different. When I first began homeschooling, I was desperately in need of advice, support, and practical support. I was blessed to join Napa Valley Home Educators that provided...