History, Homeschool, Summer, Unit Study
by Katie Julius After a month-long Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia, the United States Constitution was drafted and then signed by 39 men on September 17, 1787. A compromise between the New Jersey and Virginia Plans, the United States Constitution was...
Back To School, Decisions, Encouragement, Homeschool, Other Tips and Topics, Planning
by Katie Julius September looms. First day of school photos fill your social media feed. School supplies have been picked over in the stores. You feel behind. You feel unprepared. You feel overwhelmed. You feel defeated. And you haven’t even started your school year...
Back To School, Encouragement, Encouragement and Inspirations, Family, Homeschool, Other Tips and Topics
By Elise Hamel Ahh, back to school time! For many homeschool parents it can feel overwhelming. It can be daunting to help our kids get back into a new routine after a more relaxed summer. But whether you school year round, prefer a lighter load over the summer, or...
Back To School, Encouragement, Getting Started, Homeschool, Mothers, New Homeschoolers, Other Tips and Topics, Planning
by Katie Julius I love this time of year. The store shelves are filled with rows of new school supplies – from a rainbow of three-ring binders to boxes of brand new, unbroken crayons to clean, crisp lined notebooks to freshly sharpened #2 pencils and more. While...
Getting Started, Homeschool, New Homeschoolers, Other Tips and Topics, Planning
by Katie Julius Those of you longtime homeschoolers may be reading the title of this blog quizzically since traditionally, we don’t really start talking about the Private School Affidavit (or PSA) until September as the October 1-15 filing window approaches. However,...
Curriculum, Elementary, Field Trips, Homeschool, Science, Summer, Unit Study
by Katie Julius [Editor’s Note: This post is part of a series of unit study topics we are sharing over the course of the summer. Whether you take a few weeks, a few months, or no break at all this summer, we hope you find these resources helpful in your homeschool.]...