It’s Summertime!

by Katie Julius With Memorial Day dubbed as the “unofficial start of summer,” many homeschool parents may be asking themselves, “What am I going to do all summer?” Since we are used to having our kids at home, it’s not as big a transition between the school year and...

CHEA Turns Forty

by Katie Julius “If you want to understand today you have to search yesterday.” – Pearl S. Buck To many, it is a surprise that private home education is not highly regulated by the government in California. After all, most everything else is. However, this is no...
More Homeschool Myths: Busted

More Homeschool Myths: Busted

by Katie Julius Earlier this year, we brought you an article about some of the most common myths about home education in California. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions that parents and society have about homeschooling. Here we address some more of...
First Freedom

First Freedom

by John McGowan, Esq., CHEA Board of Directors “Spiritual freedom is the root of political liberty … As the union between spiritual freedom and political liberty seems nearly inseparable, it is our duty to defend both.”Thomas Paine If you hang out at enough CHEA...
What is the Definition of a Homeschooler?

What is the Definition of a Homeschooler?

by Rebecca Kocsis Back in the day That’s a great question. In the olden days of homeschooling—the days of yore—the answer was easy. You could be fairly certain that a homeschool family would fall into one of two camps. There was the traditional single-income family...