The PSA Dilemma

by Rebecca Kocsis We are experiencing unprecedented times. California parents are faced with some tough decisions due to COVID-19 precautions. Do they keep their children in their public school and follow distance learning? Or do they take them out and homeschool them...

Leading in a Post-Pandemic World

by Katie Julius Just as traditional schools are making plans for what a return to school will look like in the fall, homeschool groups must also make plans. Families, in numbers unseen, are now considering home education as a viable alternative to classrooms with...

Why Choose a CHEA Event?

We Know You Have Choices As homeschool leaders, you undoubtedly field questions about “that other” homeschool convention in the state. Many are asking what makes CHEA events different? And why should a family choose one over the other? Here are a few reasons to choose...

When Can My Child Stay Home Alone?

by Rebecca Kocsis As group leaders we are often asked by parents if it’s okay to leave youngsters home alone for school. This is usually because both parents or a single mom work during traditional school hours. Many people are often surprised to learn that there is...