Home School Family Ministries

HSFM has been serving families since 1997 with over 20 yrs developing preK-12 classes in Huntington Beach. Classes include phonics, spelling, math, science, writing, literature, history, Spanish, ASL, art, finance, Charlotte Mason, & select electives. HS classes...

Heritage Christian School San Diego

HCS is a PSP serving private, Christian homeschoolers with administrative, academic, and extracurricular activities and events. We provide services such as classes, sports, performing arts, academic clubs, field trips, socials, graduation, mentoring, curriculum...

Selah Homeschool Resource Center

SHRC is a Christian community dedicated to supporting private homeschoolers through activities, special events, field trips, Mom’s nights, and informative workshops. This is a “many hands make light work” group that encourages families to get...

Evergreen Christian School

Evergreen Christian School is a small to medium sized, private, Christian, PSP in north Orange County. We are a family oriented PSP. To support families we offer group classes for elementary and upper grades, as well as field trips, parent events, teen events, and...

Crescenta Valley CHEA

We are a Christian homeschooling support group. Our desire is to glorify God as we answer His call to educate our children at home. The purpose of our group is to provide families with opportunities to meet with other Christian homeschoolers in our community.