A Week of Christmas Activities

A Week of Christmas Activities

by Amy Sager There are only a few days left before Christmas. This is the time when my family loves to hunker down at home, bake tasty treats, make homemade ornaments, and read Christmas stories. Not only does it protect us from germs right before we travel (let me...
A Last Minute Election Day Lesson Plan

A Last Minute Election Day Lesson Plan

by Katie Julius Through those time-change-bleary eyes, you glance at the calendar and realize that today is Election Day. Where did October go? Like me, you probably had some grand plans about a month ago to create a great unit study as the United States elects our...
Sorting Through All the Options

Sorting Through All the Options

by Dena Bless Have you ever heard stories of when homeschooling first started its resurgence in the ‘80s and parents couldn’t find curriculum to use? There weren’t any classes or other activities to include as part of your child’s studies. How things have changed! Now...
5 Steps to Prevent Homeschool Burnout

5 Steps to Prevent Homeschool Burnout

by Natalie Orzame I’ve been homeschooling for six, going on seven years, and I have a confession to make. I felt ignorantly confident coming into this, even when most of my friends who wanted to homeschool did not have the confidence to try it. My sister homeschools...