Curriculum, Electives, Extracurriculars
by Julie Walker Do your children take music lessons? Ours did. Although their musical talents are vastly different, all three had music as part of their daily agenda, and my husband and I were subject to hours of cacophonous strains while the boys prepared for...
Elementary, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, High School, Jr. High and Sr. High, New Homeschoolers
by Penny Ross “But I’m just a mom! I’m not a teacher! Won’t I fail my child?” This is one of the most common fears I hear voiced by parents considering homeschooling. We are accustomed to the world of campus-based education, with “paid experts” filling the role of...
Encouragement, Homeschool
by Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse When you think of “back to school” what comes to mind? The smell of new books, new crayons, or new fear? Perhaps you are re-evaluating your homeschool decision because of concerns you have? In my...