Encouragement, Homeschool
by Marilyn Rockett Can we finish home educating our children without regret for things we didn’t do? Probably not. We are human and we fail at times. There is no opportunity for a do-over (a sobering thought), but we can adjust again when we frequently examine what is...
Decisions, Encouragement, God's Plan, Homeschool, Planning
by Mary Schofield Member of CHEA of California Board of Directors Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; And take not thy holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me...
Encouragement, Homeschool, Special Learners
by Marian Soderholm 2014 Speaker at CHEA’s Annual Convention Many years back, Erna would come by with a loaf of bread, leave it on the porch, and cross back over to her side of the street, where she had lived as our neighbor for more than 17 years. Why was this...
Convention, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, World View
by Kerry Byers I love to serve God. In fact I try to do so in everything and everywhere: At the gym, while out shopping, at PSP Sports And More co-op, Disneyland®, my church on Wednesdays and Sundays, classes, and especially in my own home. Okay, stop. Really, who...