Back To School, Encouragement, Encouragement and Inspirations, Family, Homeschool, Other Tips and Topics
By Elise Hamel Ahh, back to school time! For many homeschool parents it can feel overwhelming. It can be daunting to help our kids get back into a new routine after a more relaxed summer. But whether you school year round, prefer a lighter load over the summer, or...
Encouragement, Mothers, Parenting
by Heidi St. John [Editor’s Note: We are excited to have Heidi St. John joining us as a keynote speaker at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference, July 13-15 in Downey. This article is just a preview of the encouragement and advice she has to share with us this...
College, Decisions, Graduation, High School, Teens
by Keary DeVico Tis the season of college admissions and graduations! As a career and college counselor this is my favorite season of the year. Homeschoolers launching into their futures, ready to change the world, and serve the Lord makes my heart happy. I absolutely...