Get Outside for Family Time this Spring! by Megan Mora Fuentes, HEAV This time of year is one of the most exciting–when we get a taste of nice weather and the landscape starts blooming. Take advantage of these early spring days before the lazy summer heat sets in and...
by Ginger Hubbard [Editor’s Note: We are excited to have Ginger Hubbard joining us as a keynote speaker at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference, July 13-15 in Downey. In addition to her workshops, she will be hosting our Moms Night Out on Friday! This article...
by Evangelia Novarro “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you’re worried and upset about many things.” (Luke 10:41, NIV) Every time I come across this Bible passage, I pause and feel God’s sweet conviction. He asks me, “What...
by Danielle Poorman When I first embarked on the journey of homeschooling, I eagerly anticipated the same cozy environment that many other new homeschooling moms likely envision. My days would consist of quiet read-alouds, tea-time, giggles, and fun-filled lessons...
by Katie Julius You’ve probably seen the meme going around recently that says something to the effect of, “The first Christmas was simple. It’s okay if yours is too.” A few weeks ago, we shared a blog with some ideas for those who were interested in Christmas School....