What’s in a name? The Good Shepherd

What’s in a name? The Good Shepherd

by Cristina Grau Homeschool411.com partner blogger What’s in a name? A name is more than just something by which we are called; in a sense, it is our reputation. Did you know there are a multitude of names for God? Each name unique and powerful; the list is endless....

Record your heritage

by Pam Geib CHEA Regional Advisory Board Member Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him (Psalm 127:3). Sitting side by side, my sister and I pored over the box of photos at our feet: mostly black and whites, many with folks we did not know. You...

What is science?

by Chuck and Pam Geib The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handy work (Psalm 19:1 KJV) What is science? Science is observation. That means we must take the time to observe our envi­ronment around us. We can formulate questions or a...

What generation gap?

Much has been written about the “generation gap.” It seems common knowledge that when children become teens, their ability to communicate with their parents becomes distorted. Or is it the parents’ ability to communicate with their teens that becomes distorted? I can...