Encouragement, Family, Homeschool, Parenting
by Joann Burnside Hoyt, Indiana Association of Home Educators Parenting is all the “things”—hard, wonderful, hilarious, scary, challenging and rewarding. That’s when you have help! When you are a single parent, the workload doesn’t seem to double, it seems to magnify...
Back To School, Encouragement, Encouragement and Inspirations, Family, Homeschool, Other Tips and Topics
By Elise Hamel Ahh, back to school time! For many homeschool parents it can feel overwhelming. It can be daunting to help our kids get back into a new routine after a more relaxed summer. But whether you school year round, prefer a lighter load over the summer, or...
Convention, Encouragement, Getting Started
by Katie Julius Whether this is your first, fifteenth, or fortieth year at Convention, all of the information, people, options, and energy can be a lot. Those who attend Convention often refer to it as “drinking from a fire hose.” You can’t possibly absorb everything...
Art, Encouragement, God's Plan, World View
by Davy Liu [Editor’s Note: We are looking forward to Davy Liu joining us as a teacher of one of our new Thursday classes and a speaker at CHEA’s Parenting & Homeschool Conference, July 13-15 in Downey. This introduction to Davy is only a sneak peek into what both...
Encouragement, Leaders, Support Groups
by Katie Julius March 2020, the world as we knew it came to a grinding halt. We always heard about (and maybe despised) the “new normal” that we had to adapt to in the months that followed. Now, the pandemic is mostly behind us. We look around for that familiarity...