Homeschool, Reading, Tips Article
by Jill Wildermuth [Editorial note: Summer is a great time for reading for pleasure and to strengthen skills in a fun and relaxed way, so we launched our Summer Reading Challenge last week. This article has several ideas that might help you and your family enjoy the...
Child Training and Parenting Skills, Discipleship, Family, Homeschool, Out & About, Tips Article
by Megan Mora Fuentes, HEAV There are a lot of resources available to help you identify and nurture your children’s talents, but what about teaching them how they can use their skills within their family, friend groups, and community? Giving kids the opportunity to...
Convention, Encouragement
by Gena Suarez, The Old Schoolhouse Were you good at softball as a teen? How ‘bout baseball? Because you are a natural pitcher and catcher; did you know that? Depending on the circumstances and the situation of the day (or moment!), you are ready to go. You rarely...
Convention, Homeschooling 101, New Homeschoolers
by Katie Julius Hearing about a homeschool convention can evoke a variety of emotions – from uncertainty to trepidation to wish-filled longing. Many of these feelings come from the variety of myths that are out there about attending a homeschool convention....