Homeschool, Reading, Tips Article
by Jill Wildermuth [Editorial note: Summer is a great time for reading for pleasure and to strengthen skills in a fun and relaxed way, so we launched our Summer Reading Challenge last week. This article has several ideas that might help you and your family enjoy the...
40th Anniversary, Field Trips, Reading
by Karen D. Koch Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in the Summer 2011 issue of The Parent Home Educator, the print magazine that was the predecessor to CHEA’s current digital e-newsletter, The CHEA Connection. As part of CHEA’s 40th Anniversary...
Extracurriculars, Family, Homeschool, Teens
by Katie Julius With Memorial Day dubbed as the “unofficial start of summer,” many homeschool parents may be asking themselves, “What am I going to do all summer?” Since we are used to having our kids at home, it’s not as big a transition between the school year and...