Graduation, High School, Homeschool, Special Learners
Meet Jake Jake Barrett began his homeschool journey in fourth grade after being bullied in his local public school because of his disabilities. Son of CHEA members Joel and Roxanne Barrett, Jake has been a part of Victor Valley Desert Christian Academy, a CHEA Support...
Encouragement, Special Learners
by Marian Soderholm, MA, LD Specialist Speaker at CHEA’s Special Needs Solutions Conference, Saturday, November 1. Every week, for the past two years, Erna comes by with a loaf of bread, leaves it on the porch and crosses back over to her side of the street,...
Encouragement, Special Learners
by Sharon Hensley Speaker at CHEA’s Special Needs Solution Conference We all face the problem of inattention as teachers of our children. Sometimes children are inattentive out of boredom or fatigue, or because they are five years old (a notoriously inattentive...