Back To School, Bible, Homeschool
by Charity Silvers As we head back into another school year, I have been going through the Bible looking for verses about teaching. This one in Ezra 7:10 really struck me as having a lot to say about the whole process that leads up to teaching. “For Ezra had set his...
Elementary, Encouragement, Family, God's Plan, High School, Jr. High and Sr. High, New Homeschoolers
by Penny Ross “But I’m just a mom! I’m not a teacher! Won’t I fail my child?” This is one of the most common fears I hear voiced by parents considering homeschooling. We are accustomed to the world of campus-based education, with “paid experts” filling the role of...
Encouragement, New Homeschoolers
by Katie Julius As homeschool parents, sometimes the idea that you are responsible for the education of your children can be overwhelming or even paralyzing. This is particularly true of inquiring or new home educators. We discussed why you are the best teacher for...
Curriculum, Encouragement
by Rebecca Kocsis We changed curriculum three times the first year we started to homeschool. Three times. The year we started homeschooling my kids were four, six, and seven. I had mostly borrowed material from a friend that was designed for traditional classroom use....
Curriculum, Decisions, Encouragement
Editor’s Note: This time of year is often referred to as the “winter blues.” The holidays are over and the end of the school year is far off in the distance. It can be challenging to keep a positive attitude (both mom and kids!) and to keep pushing on with school. We...