by Gena Suarez
You got through the week. You did it. And I know there were moments you feel you probably suffered from “mad cow mama” syndrome, but what’s done is done. Good thing your Father is patient, and your family so forgiving. They love you.

I think it’s good they see the crud sometimes. They are experiencing real life as they watch their loving Mama. You’re not pretending to be something you’re not, or marching to some smoke-and-mirrors parade, all smiles, all the time. Who can hold up that kind of farce, and who’d even want to? Yeah, the real Mama is not phony. She’s flesh and blood, her kids are too, and someday they are going to remember that she made mistakes from time to time, just like they will too as adults. She didn’t feign success all the time; she did the best she could, when she could, and strove for her Father’s will. But she was never perfect. Those kids need to rest in that. They don’t even realize this is a safety net for them, later! They won’t have to live up to a false idea of perfection. No one is perfect, only the Lord. And it’s only our great God and Savior who makes us righteous—perfect, if you will—in Him alone. We lean on Him and our children need to learn early on that they must as well, as He is the Maker, the Perfect One. He lives in us!

Your young ones see the tears. They see a defeated spirit sometimes. Good, because at some point they too will face daily frustrations and life’s trials and they’ll need to cry it all out as well. They must be reminded that we ALL are in need of the Savior (we don’t just preach it—we live it), that no one is perfect, not even Mama. And some days, ESPECIALLY not Mama.

Be real, beautiful Daughter of the King of kings. Tomorrow, work hard to be a gentle doe. But if the mad cow raises her ugly head, just lift your eyes to the One Who made you. The One Who made your children and then gave them to you to care for during this time, for His perfect reasons. Soften your heart because of His mercies and compassion towards you (and your dear children).

After all, you are His child. And you are human, just like your babies. Start again; His mercies are new every morning, and He smiles on you, obedient Mama. He will light your path again, and again, and always.

Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us: It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. — Gena

About Gena
Publishers, Paul and Gena Suarez, who reside in eastern Tennessee, have homeschooled their seven children since 1990. They embrace and promote the Biblical philosophy that “homeschooling” is not so much about schooling/education, as it is about discipleship— bringing up our children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6: 4). The Suarez family wishes to share this vision around the world as they publish the trade magazine for homeschool families, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. They can be reached at [email protected].

Copyright 2020, The Old Schoolhouse®. Used with permission. All rights reserved by the Author. Originally appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, the trade publication for homeschool moms. Read The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine free at, or download the free reader apps at for mobile devices. Read the STORY of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine and how it came to be.