Annual Parenting & Homescool Convention - Registration Now Open!
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Board of Directors

CHEA is governed by an annually-elected Board of Directors. The board members are home educators and active in their local communities and churches.

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Regional Advisory Board

The Regional Advisory Board was established in 1991, to act as official representatives in their region, provide feedback to the Board of Directors, and have personal contact with leaders in their region.

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CHEA employs several part-time staff and volunteers who all work remotely from their homes.

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About Christian Home Educators Association (CHEA) of California, Inc.

The Christian Home Educators Association (CHEA) of California, Inc. is a non-profit ministry established in 1982 to provide information, support, and training to the home education community throughout the state, to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by promoting private Christian home education as an outstanding educational opportunity; providing information, training, and support to the homeschool community; and protecting the God-given right of parents to direct the education and training of their children, to the glory of God. Read about how CHEA began in God’s Homeschooling Tapestry, by co-founder Susan Beatty.

Volunteer with Team CHEA


The mission of the Christian Home Educators Association of California is to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by promoting private Christian home education as an outstanding educational opportunity; providing information, training, and support to the homeschool community; and protecting the God-given right of parents to direct the education and training of their children, to the glory of God.

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Statement of Faith

CHEA operates under the following statement of faith. Members are not asked to sign any statement of agreement, but are expected to understand that CHEA functions as a Christian organization, seeking to glorify God in all we do.

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We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, the final authority of faith and life, without error in its original writing both in doctrine and historical details, and that all true knowledge is consistent with its revelation.

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We believe that there is one self-existent God who has always been and will always be, manifest in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that knowing Him truly is the foundation of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

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We believe in the brotherhood of all believers who, through faith, have received the salvation provided by God’s grace through the death of Jesus Christ.

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We believe that children belong to God who has given the responsibility and authority for their education to their parents and that it is their responsibility to protect this parental right.

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We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God manifest in the flesh, born of a virgin, that He is the Savior of mankind through His death on the cross, that He rose from the dead and ascended to God, and that He will return again and will raise those who have believed in Him to reign with Him in power and glory throughout all eternity.

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Support CHEA

Did you know that you can donate to CHEA at any time?.

CHEA is the only California state organization that advocates for and promotes private Christian home education 24/7, year round. CHEA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and all contributions are tax deductible.

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