Not all people and organizations listed are specifically Christian materials and not all are run by Christians. Families must investigate each website for appropriateness to your situation and philosophy. Please use your God-given discernment when choosing materials and companies.
Amen Clinics
Dr. Daniel Amen has information for ADHD and Autistic Spectrum. Clinics are in California
Bridges 4 Kids
A non-profit organization with news and resources for parents. A special section is setup for homeschoolers.
College Board
Information for testing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Dianne Craft
Dianne Craft’s website offers materials and articles to help teach children who learn differently.
Lindamood-Bell Learning Centers
Therapy for learning needs. Several in California
National Association of Child Development
Tools based on the child’s development. For gifted, typical, or special learners.
Reading Rockets
Therapy for learning needs.
SPED Homeschool
The Out-of-Sync Child
Carol Kranowitz’s site on recognizing and coping with sensory disorders.
Dr. Hallowell
This website has section for parents, information for older students, and a free newsletter.
Dr. Russell Barkley
Includes fact sheets and a link to Dr. Barkley’s lectures.
Sizzle Bop
Carol Barnier’s very funny yet very helpful insight and materials, especially for the very active child.
More audio books. General resource. Reduced prices with membership (formerly Blackstone Audio)
Learning Ally
Audio books for the blind, dyslexic, and auditory learners. Membership required and you must have a diagnosis for membership.
Autism Society of America
A website full of information on diagnosis, characteristics and life skills. A portion of the site is devoted to Asperger’s Syndrome.
Jennifer A. Janes
Jennifer A Janes’ blog with resources and links for sensory integration, etc.
The Critical Thinking Company
Books to teach thinking skills. Of note is the “Building Thinking Skills” series.
Different Roads to Learning
A catalog of materials, including at-home assessment test Autism support materials.
A multi-sensory brain-training program. Also has an online magazine, A 2 Z of Brain, Mind and Learning
Growing An In-Sync Child
Both In Sync Activity Cards and the book by Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman have excellent activities for all children, but especially for those with sensory issues.
KONOS curriculum is great for gifted children with learning glitches, sometimes called twice exceptional, or 2E.
Kurzweil Educational Systems
Reading tools for various learning problems including dyslexia, dysgraphia, as well as blind or visually impaired.
Phonics Tutor
This software, a complete phonics program with instant audio feedback, integrates typing, spelling and punctuation skills making it especially kind to the older learner. Not Christian.
Timberdoodle has materials aimed at right brain learning. They are now specializing in autism.
Workbox System
Sue Patrick’s solutions for organizing schoolwork. ADHD, Autism, curriculum supplement.
Helps for specific subjects including spelling lists and study skills.
Davidson Institute for Talent Development
An article on “Stealth Dsylexia.”
Dyslexia Correction Center, Ron Davis
The Gift of Dyslexia, a program to correct the problems associated with dyslexia. For professional intervention: Cyndi Coleman 949.338.1578 Burlingame, CA
Homeschooling with Dyslexia – Marianne Sunderland
The International Dyslexia Association
Research information about dyslexia.
A free e-book from a Christian perspective
NATHHAN is a support organization for parents with special needs children. Of note is Straight Talk, a speech program to use at home
Academic Therapy Publications
Publishes assessments and supplementary materials for parents and professionals.
Brigance Diagnostic Inventories
Used by professional and parents to determine skills that a child has mastered or not mastered. HSLDA members receive a discount.
Help with Learning
Marilee Coots, neurodevelopment and counseling. Several evaluation locations in California.
Personalized Achievement Summary System (PASS)
Untimed test to measure academic growth for grades three through eight.
2e – Twice Exceptional Newsletter
Newsletter and resources for gifted kids who also have learning challenges.
Davidson Institute for Talent Development
Services for profoundly gifted students.
National Association of Child Development
Tools based on the child’s development. For gifted, typical, or special learners.
Articles on nutrition and learning difficulties.
What’s Eating Your Child?
by Kelly Dorfman has solid nutritional helps for learning and other problems.
NATHHAN is a support organization for parents with special needs children. Of note is Straight Talk, a speech program to use at home.
The following Facebook pages support families of children with special needs:
Dr. Penelope Suter
Eye examinations and visual therapy. (Bakersfield)
Brecheen Learning and Visual Center
Resources for identifying and helping children with visual learning difficulties. Free online screening available.