Annual Parenting & Homescool Convention - Registration Now Open!

Thank you for inquiring about CHEA’s Support Network. We are glad to have you be a part of our mission of service to families seeking to homeschool their children in a way that will bring glory and honor to God.

Join the 24-25 Support Network!

We offer a statewide network of Christian groups who work with families desiring to provide a godly education for their children at home. CHEA’s Support Network provides unity and strength for the private Christian homeschool movement in California by providing stability, a more visible presence to government officials, a larger forum for sharing ideas, and the ability to publish quality materials.

Why Join the Support Network?


Be part of an organization with years of successful experience in helping Christian homeschoolers


Christian encouragement and top-notch training for leaders


CHEA’s Support Network News, our bi-monthly e-newsletter


Facebook group exclusively for Support Network Member leaders


Promotion of your group by giving referrals from our office and at our events


Promotion of your homeschool events via our digital publications, social media, and our website


Eligibility for the Susan K. Beatty Scholarship


Homeschool Directory Listing (optional)


Promotion of your group by giving referrals from our office and at our events


Promotion of your homeschool events via our digital publications, social media, and our website

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Support Network
Membership Levels




Free CHEA Membership with accompanying benefits for the group leader or owner ($40 value)


Listing on CHEA’s Support Network Member referral list, used at our office and events


Free listing on CHEA’s Homeschool Directory ($80 value, optional)


Subscription to the Support Network News


Invitation to attend leadership conferences, regional meetings, and webinars/virtual meetings when offered (some have an extra cost to attend)


Invitation to CHEA’s Support Network Facebook group


Promotion of your events in our weekly e-newsletter


Discount on EdPort, a web based platform and all-in-one portal for homeschool record keeping


$5 discount on CHEA membership for your group members


Groups with 10 families or fewer receive discounted rate of $45

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All the benefits of BASIC Membership PLUS


Admission for two to one of CHEA’s in-person Leadership Conferences


Entrance to the Exhibit Hall Preview opening night of the Annual CHEA Convention

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All the benefits of 250 Membership PLUS


Banner ad in one issue of CHEA’s weekly digital e-news publication, The Connection, your choice of issue (based on availability)


1/4 page vertical ad in the Annual Convention Program

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Types of Groups


Private School Satellite Program (PSP)

A type of private school in which parents are the primary teachers of their own children. A PSP files one affidavit covering all enrolled families. It meets the requirements of California Education Code 48222.


Support Group

A group whose primary focus is providing community for homeschool families through a variety of social activities; offering support and encouragement to parents in all aspects of homeschooling. The group does not file an affidavit; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.


Special Interest Group

A group which is parent-led and focuses on a single subject area or style of teaching. Examples include a sports league, speech and debate, nature studies, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, literary club, etc.


Learning Community

A program that offers homeschool families community primarily through regular classes, but also hosts some additional activities; parents determine course of study; teachers may or may not be paid; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.

Membership Agreement

  • I am a Christian in agreement with CHEA’s Statement of Faith and Mission Statement.
  • I will cooperate with CHEA by engaging only Christians in positions of responsibility and leadership within our group or organization.
  • I will ensure that our members understand that our group will operate as a Christian group according to the principles of Scripture, even though our membership may include persons of another conviction.
  • I will ensure that our members understand that our group will operate as a Christian group according to the principles of Scripture, even though our membership may include persons of another conviction.
  • I will support CHEA and its Support Network by conducting myself in a Christian manner while serving members of my group and my community.
  • No leader in our group is a leader of, enrolled in, nor employed by a public school program which enrolls home educators.
  • No Support Network group, organization, or group leader, directly or indirectly, shall also be a public charter school vendor.
  • No Support Network leader or anyone who resides in the group leader’s home has been charged with crimes against children.
  • Our group does not offer full-day classes more than two days per week for any given grade.
  • I will encourage members of my group, as well as other homeschoolers in my area, to become CHEA Members.
  • If I am on social media, I will engage with CHEA online by following, liking, sharing, retweeting, etc.
  • I will pass on news of CHEA events to homeschoolers in my area.
  • I will keep CHEA informed of local events by including a CHEA Regional Advisory Board Member on our local newsletter mailing list, e-news, Facebook group, or whatever means of communication that I use.
  • No Support Network group, organization, or group leader, directly or indirectly, shall also be a public charter school vendor.
  • I will notify CHEA of leadership changes in our group during the membership year.
  • I understand that all Support Network Memberships are effective from September 1 and expire on August 31, regardless of my enrollment date.

CHEA’s Support Network
Frequently Asked Questions

We offer a statewide network of Christian leaders who work with families desiring to provide a godly education for their children at home. CHEA’s Support Network provides unity and strength for the private Christian homeschool movement in California by providing stability, a more visible presence to government officials, a larger forum for sharing ideas, and the ability to publish quality materials.

We place an emphasis on leader development and leader support. Support Network members receive a bi-monthly newsletter just for leaders, as well as invitations to regional, statewide, and virtual gatherings. We also have a Facebook group just for members where we discuss issues and ideas pertaining to our ministry to homeschoolers. We at CHEA are leaders, too, and so are uniquely positioned to offer help and support. We are just a phone call or email away.

The greatest benefit to being a member is one that comes with no price tag. It’s knowing that you are standing shoulder to shoulder with groups across the state, creating a footprint of homeschool freedom. The bigger the network, the bigger the footprint, the greater our political clout when we speak to our elected officials in Sacramento.

No. We only ask that the leadership of your group be Christian and in agreement with our statement of faith. Each group is autonomous and establishes its own membership or enrollment criteria.

Yes. Each group is autonomous and establishes its own membership or enrollment criteria. We ask that the leadership of each Support Network group does homeschool in a manner consistent with our mission to promote private Christian home education.

Yes. The Support Network has three membership levels to make it affordable for all groups and leaders’ needs. The cost of basic membership for one year is $80 ($45 for groups with 10 or fewer members). That price includes one year of CHEA family membership ($40 value) for the leader of the group, along with all the benefits and discounts that accompany that, plus a listing on CHEA’s Homeschool Directory ($80 value). There are other membership options with additional benefits.

No matter when groups join, Support Network Memberships begin September 1 and expire August 31 unless noted and approved on your application.

You are not alone. There are other groups that don’t want to be listed online. We will not put your group in CHEA’s Homeschool Directory if you indicate that in the application process. Even if you don’t want to be in the Homeschool Directory, understand that standing with CHEA while we stand for homeschool freedom is one of the greatest parts of being in the Support Network. When you join the Support Network, you are a part of the wall of protection for the homeschool community. It allows you to network with CHEA and with other homeschool leaders across the state. No homeschool group should be an island unto itself. We are better together.

A second group that is affiliated with the main group, for example a PSP that also offers just a support group option, may join CHEA’s Support Network at a discounted rate. Please email us at for addditonal information.