CHEA Community

Meet your homeschooling friends in the CHEA Community.

This is the place to catch up on the latest news, ask burning questions, or share your ideas. Our place is your place.

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Prayer Partners

For more than a decade, Christian homeschoolers have united in prayer for CHEA and the homeschool community. Each day the CHEA staff stops for devotions and prayer at 10 a.m. And CHEA has designated the 10th of each month as a day of prayer. Please join us.


All we have are five loaves of bread and two fish,” they said. Jesus said, “Bring them here.” Then he had the people sit on the grass. He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread to the disciples. The disciples then gave the food to the congregation. They all ate their fill. They gathered twelve baskets of leftovers. About five thousand were fed (Matt. 14:17-21 MSG).

Many of you have already read about the current legislative attacks on homeschooling in CA. This is a dramatic situation, it is not without hope. CHEA has asked for homeschoolers to become Members and contribute an extra donation. But that isn’t where our hope lies. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. He is the one who can take the small offerings and multiple them beyond our imaginations. We stand in faith that God will lead and direct the path He has set for us.

Pray For

  • God’s provision for CHEA through Membership and donations.
  • God’s clear direction for the future.
  • God to multiply the loaves and fishes.
  • Wisdom for board members making tough decisions.
  • Each family who receives CHEA’s news to be open to God’s leading to help CHEA over the hump.
  • For the future of home education in California and the world.

Praise God

  • the outpouring of prayer and financial support for CHEA.
  • for each CHEA Member who makes it possible for CHEA to fulfill its mission.
  • we have the freedom to raise and educate our children as God directs.
  • for volunteer leaders who provide needed support to their group members and CHEA.
  • for the many supporters CHEA has in California and other states.
  • for the opportunities to serve Him for the past 35 years.
  • for each loaf and fish we present to God for His use.

Prayer Request

Prayer Request

Social Networks

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Regional Advisory Board

The Regional Advisory Board was established in 1991, to act as official representatives in their region, provide feedback to the Board of Directors, and have personal contact with leaders in their region.