by Melisa Stark

How can we successfully homeschool our child with special needs? 

This is one of the questions a concerned, loving parent asked this past year during a Special Needs consultation. We want the best for our children, and that’s one reason we decide to homeschool.


First and foremost we should pray as we begin a new school year; and bring our concerns to God, trusting in him to supply all our needs. Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” We can also humbly seek God’s counsel knowing He cares and answers in His perfect time. He answers us and guides us in the Word and he can also use people as an instrument. Proverbs 11:14 reminds us, “Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” 


To address the question of how to successfully homeschool let us explore the meaning of success. Success is subjective and varies from one family to another. In general, the world’s view of success includes materialism, prominence, and achievements. These things are temporary and quickly fade, leaving us feeling empty and disappointed with no real eternal significance.

The Biblical view of success is counter-cultural. The greatest commission on earth for Christians is found in Matthew 28:18-20, “Jesus came to them and said, ’ “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

An intimate relationship with God brings true satisfaction. To the Christian success is obedience to God and being light that the Holy Spirit uses to draw others to know God. This can bring us joy in all circumstances knowing our citizenship is in heaven when we leave this world. Homeschool parents have the gift of time to disciple their children. We can introduce them to an intimate relationship with God in hopeful prayer that they too will find their satisfaction in the Lord and not the things of this world.  


I recently heard a pastor say to his church, “You are perfect for the call that God has for your life.” He went on to explain how he has seen the benefit of his perceived shortcomings and how God used them as a blessing. I believe this is true for all of us and also true for our children. Our weaknesses are made on purpose for the purpose God has for each one of us. If you are nervous about teaching a subject, delegate the responsibility to an outside tutor or maybe conquer that fear and learn alongside your child. In 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 it says, “Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” If and when we feel like we are not doing enough or not capable of teaching a child with special needs, be encouraged to know our God is more than capable and He can show us the way.

You are the first teacher to your children. Who is there from day one feeding and changing their diaper? There is no other teacher who knows and loves your child like a loving parent does. Parents are invested in the lifetime success of a child more than the best teachers in the public or private school settings.


When you teach your children with special needs, you may need to modify the lessons outside of their grade level to their ability, or re-teach concepts more than once and that’s okay. You can make accommodations such as testing him orally instead of taking a written test. Those are all good teaching practices. Every child is different, and every home dynamic looks different, and that is the beauty of homeschooling. No two families are the same. Our children are a gift from the Lord and we can nurture their God-given strengths and support their areas of weakness with acceptance and love knowing the Lord created them to shine His light for God’s glory (Matthew 5:16). We don’t have to follow the current, so to speak, but we have the freedom to teach and disciple our children and do what is best for our unique family.


We are not only teaching reading, math, and other subjects. We have one of the most important callings there is to our faith, and that is to disciple our children. Our children are able to see us walk out our faith on a daily basis with all the ups and downs of real life as homeschoolers. We can show our children our reliance on God. Let them see you praying, reading the Bible daily, attending Bible study, serving in your church, and being in fellowship with others. At all times, lean on the support of those people God placed in your life with humility, love, and forgiveness. Our example will speak much louder than any words we tell our children.     

Resources & Consultations

Do you need more help for your child’s specific learning challenges? Request a consultation! If you are a CHEA Homeschool Defender or Warrior member, you receive up to two 30-minute consultations per year with our special education consultant. Simply go online and fill out a request form to make an appointment. We are here to pray with you and offer advice, personalized resources, and tips for your child with special needs. In addition, CHEA members have access to countless resources on the website like articles, videos, a digital library, and so much more. Log into the website and explore. 

If you would like a checklist on how to start homeschooling click here, and please feel free to call our educational consultant, Portia Fiedler,  a service that’s free to all homeschool families. You can find her hours and phone number on the Contact page of our website. 

About Melisa

Melisa is CHEA’s Special Needs Consultant. She and her husband homeschool their son. Her previous work experience is in special education. Melisa holds a clear credential as an Education Specialist from Azusa Pacific University, along with a Master of Science in Special Education in mild to moderate disabilities from National University. Her undergraduate degree is in Psychology from California State University Northridge. Melisa is honored to have the opportunity to come alongside families with children that have special needs for CHEA of California to pray, support, and encourage them in their homeschool journey.