Dec 16, 2024 | Encouragement, Homeschool
Some of you may know Angela Lasch if you are part of our Support Network, or if you’ve ever called the CHEA office. If you know her, it is not a surprise to you that her true giftings would lead her to CHEA’s Executive Director position. Let’s sit down together and get to know Angela and her story – it may be very much like yours! – Natalie Orzame, Communications Assistant
So, Angela, give us some backstory. How did the seeds of homeschooling take root in your life, and how did that play out?
My husband and I married in 1993, and we got pregnant right away. There were some complications, and I had to quit my job and stay home for the remainder of my pregnancy. During that time, I would listen to Focus on the Family on the radio, and I remember hearing Dr. James Dobson talk about homeschooling and how great it was for the family. I knew then the Lord was placing it on my heart to homeschool, even before my first son was born!
Soon after my first son was born in 1994, I knew I never wanted to work outside the home again, so I did a correspondence course through the mail (no internet back in the olden days!) to become a medical transcriber. I completed the course and began working from home.
Fast forward a few years, and my second son was born in 1997. In 2000, it was time for my firstborn to enter kindergarten. And guess what? I got scared and talked myself out of homeschooling, convinced I couldn’t do it! So, we enrolled my oldest son in our church’s on-campus school and my youngest son in pre-school, and I kept working from home as a medical transcriber for another two years. I can honestly say it was two of the worst years of my life because I was not being obedient to the Lord’s call to homeschool.
Fast forward another few years to 2002, when my oldest son was going into second grade, and my youngest son was supposed to start kindergarten, but I just couldn’t do it. The call to homeschool was so strong that I knew we couldn’t be disobedient any longer, so we began our homeschool journey and never looked back. We had one more son in 2004, and our family unit was complete.
I’m sure a lot of our readers can relate to that fear or insecurity when it comes to beginning their homeschooling journey. How was it for your family once you were fully committed?
The years we homeschooled our three sons were the best of my life. The joy of being with them as they learned to read and write, study history, and dissect frogs on our kitchen table strengthened our family and filled my heart. The community of friends created from park days, field trips, co-op classes, and school musicals were all such a blessing from the Lord.
I know that all of your sons have graduated now. When did your youngest graduate, and how was that for you?
In 2022, I graduated my youngest son. After 20 years, our homeschool journey was over. It was extremely bittersweet, and I missed homeschooling immediately. I cried and mourned over the loss. When I had no lesson planning to do that first September, I felt such deep sorrow and a sadness I couldn’t explain. But my homeschool time was over, and I had to keep reminding myself that we don’t raise kids, but adults. My “boys” were doing what they were supposed to be doing, and it wasn’t hanging out with me all day anymore!
However, I wasn’t entirely out of the private Christian home education world.
Yes! Of course, we know you got involved with CHEA at some point. How did your relationship with CHEA begin, and how did you come to start working with us?
CHEA has always been a part of my family’s homeschool story. I attended my first CHEA Homeschool Convention in 2003. This was my second year of homeschooling. My boys were 9 and 6, and I was feeling very overwhelmed. But the encouragement I received from attending that first Convention solidified for my family that this was the Lord’s calling. I had to stop trying to do it in my own strength, but trust the Lord for guidance and seek help when needed. CHEA was that help and encouragement for me, and I attended the Annual Convention almost every year after that. I loved CHEA and the help and encouragement I received. I knew eventually that CHEA would be part of my future, most likely through volunteering. I never dreamed I would have the privilege to work for CHEA one day, but it happened. In November of 2021, I was hired as CHEA’s Administrative Assistant.
Looking back at your journey, we all know that hindsight is 20/20, how do you feel about choosing private Christian home education?
My heart for private Christian home education has not wavered over the years. In fact, I feel even more strongly about it now, given the current state of our educational climate.
What encourages you the most about CHEA as an organization in this day and age?
What encourages me the most is that CHEA has not wavered in the past 42 years. CHEA’s mission hasn’t changed, and it won’t change. Our mission is to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by promoting private Christian home education as an outstanding educational opportunity; providing information, training, and support to the homeschool community; and protecting the God-given right of parents to direct the education and training of their children, to the glory of God.
I am so thankful to the Lord for CHEA and the work He has accomplished in California and the homeschool families in this state.
What is your vision for homeschool families in California?
My vision is that families know they can absolutely home educate their children. Everyone is qualified. If they have fear or doubts, it is normal. It means they love their children and want the very best for them. Parents are exactly what children need. God gave each family their children to raise; homeschooling is just an extension of what they have done since the day their children were born.
Anything else you want our readers to know?
My prayer is that every family CHEA has contact with, whether over the phone, through email, on social media, or at one of our events, that they know they absolutely can home educate their children, and CHEA is here to help.
Please keep CHEA in your prayers as we head into 2025. We appreciate you all so much.
If you ever need anything, have questions, or prayer requests, you can always reach me by contacting the CHEA office at