

The High School Handbook

Every school uses all types of forms, both for recordkeeping and school assignments. CHEA has provided school and student record forms through our publications An Introduction to Home Education and The High School Handbook. We’re happy to get your started with forms and samples from An Introduction to Home Education manual. You are welcome to download and duplicate these forms for your personal use.

School Records

While some school records are required, you can keep them in whatever format works well for you. The samples included here are just for ideas. Feel free to make copies of any blank forms for your own family’s personal use, or design your own. Also note that there are several different samples for many of the records. You certainly don’t need all of these.

Teaching Records

None of the records depicted in this section’s samples are legally required ones. But you’ll need some way to keep track of what you want to do each week and what you’ve completed. As with the school records section, choose what looks easy for you to use and go with that. You can always change things as you go.

Pupil Records

Like teaching records, none of these forms are required. The samples in this section only show a couple of ways to keep records. There are actually many ways that fit your family and style.

Elementary Cumulative Record

Fillable Form (PDF)
Sample Form

Middle School Cumulative Record

Fillable Form (PDF)
Sample Form

Download Instructions

1. To preview the form before downloading, click on the link.

2. To download a form or sample, right click on the link. Use “Save Link As” to begin the download.

Printing Fillable PDF Form

1. If you prefer to keep paper records, you may print the original form by using the print command in Adobe Reader.

2. You may also print a filled form.

Using Fillable PDF Forms

1. Create a directory on your hard drive to store your forms. It’s recommended that you have a separate directory for your original files and a directory for each of your children.

2. Save the original forms before using them for your recordkeeping.

3. Make a copy of the forms you plan to use. Be sure to make a copy for each child for individual records. Save each form with a unique file name.

4. As you record on each form, be sure to save it.

5. You may wish to transfer these records to a CD or DVD at the end of the semester or school year, as appropriate.