The High School Handbook

The High School Handbook

by Mary Schofield Yes, you can homeschool through high school. Mary Schofield’s book tells you how with such chapters as: “Emergency Quick Start to Home Schooling Teens,” for those who find themselves instantly homeschooling, “Setting...

High School Outside the Box!

by Carolyn Forte, Convention Speaker 2018 Homeschooling through high school can be intimidating for parents. Many, if not most, rely on standardized textbooks and supplemental classes, whether online or in person. If these work well for your student, there is nothing...
Convention 2022 – Homeschooling a High-Energy Kid (Penny Ross)

Convention 2022 – Homeschooling a High-Energy Kid (Penny Ross)

If your child barely sits still long enough to eat, how in the world are you going to teach him or her to read, do long division, or write an essay? You know a classroom will be a poor fit for your student, but how do you homeschool someone who has more energy than...