Recommended Reading
The following books are recommended for a good, general understanding of why families are turning to home education and the various aspects involved, from the theoretical and philosophical to the practical. This list cannot be, and was not intended to be, exhaustive; there are many, many books on home education and more are being published all the time. This list does represent a cross sampling of the best available. These books also represent a variety of philosophies. It is important to read several books on educational philosophy and use your own God-given discernment in balancing the various positions. Please note CHEA of California does not necessarily agree with every point presented in every book listed.
Free Online Reading
Free PDF’s that are available for viewing online or downloadable for offline.
Time & Time Again
We are happy to introduce CHEA’s second devotional for homeschoolers by homeschoolers, Time and Time Again. Twenty-eight devotions written by moms and dads who face the same daily challenges you do.
Time and Time Again is our gift to you to help you through your homeschool journey.
A Heart For The Future
Needing encouragement? Feeling depleted in your homeschool journey? A collection of 22 devotions especially written for homeschoolers are collected here in pdf format for you to read or print out for yourself or a friend. Be encouraged and uplifted by these devotions by homeschooling moms just like you.
Our Recommended Reading List
These books are recommended for parents who are not just trying to develop solid homeschooling philosophies, but also looking for excellent guidance in structure and Christian theology.
An Introduction to Home Education
Susan Beatty and Karen Woodfin Middleton (2007, Christian Home Educators Press) The what, why, and how of homeschooling. Includes California law, suppliers and other resources, and 35 reproducible forms.
The High School Handbook
Mary Schofield (1990, Christian Home Educators Press), discusses the requirements for California high school graduation and how to plan a high school curriculum, course requirements, and recordkeeping.
Preschool At Home
Debbie Feely (2004, Christian Home Educators Press) This booklet is designed to give you ideas and suggestions to help you think through what YOU want for YOUR child
The How And Why of Home Schooling
Ray E. Ballman (1987, Crossway Books) An excellent first book to be read by the person interested in Christian home education. Unique to this book is an encouraging chapter for grandparents.
The Christian Home School
Gregg Harris (1988, Wolgemuth and Hyatt) An in-depth look at the principles (Biblical, historical, practical) behind home education. A very thorough book by a well-respected national home education leader.
Beyond Survival
Diana Waring, (1996 Emerald Books) Diana Waring offers a transparent description of her family’s own homeschooling experience, navagating a healthy homeschooling road.
The Principle Approach
James Rose (1987, American Christian History Institute), teaches the rudiments of The Principle Approach philosophy of education, discusses the role of the home in education, how to develop a curriculum compatible with this philosophy, and shares examples of courses designed for this approach.
Will Early Education Ruin Your Child?
Richard Fugate (1990, Aletheia Division of Alpha Omega), critiques the educational philosophy and theology of Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Dorothy Moore.
What The Bible Says About Child Training
Richard Fugate (1980, Aletheia Division of Alpha Omega), uses Biblical principles to help parents understand their God-given authority in training their children. This is must reading for home educators.
Is Public Education Necessary?
Samuel Blumenfeld (1981, Devin-Adair), is an excellent history of public education showing how it evolved to the modern day. It is a sobering account of the reasons behind its and goals of those who promote it.
A Biblical Psychology of Learning
Ruth Beechick (1983, Accent Books), subtitled “How your Mind Works,” discusses various psychological approaches to learning and presents a Biblical alternative learning model that includes our “spiritual being.” Offers practical teaching methods.
A Christian Manifesto
Dr. Francis Schaeffer (1982, Crossway Books) shows how the whole foundation for society has shifted radically from its original Judeo-Christian basis to a humanistic basis. It calls for action in government, law, and all of life to turn the tide of moral decadence and loss of freedom.
Preschool: At What Cost?
Susan K. Stewart (2011), This book challenges the notion that our children will be “behind” if they are not enrolled in a formal preschool program. With indepth research and analysis, Susan shows that the best preschool of all can be found right at home.
100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum
Cathy Duffy (2005, B & H Publishing Group), will help you locate and understand the variety of curriculums available to home educators. This manual provides practical help in how to choose curriculum, as well as developing a course of study.
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